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Für die Geschäftsstelle in Berlin bieten wir ab sofort oder ab 1. Oktober 2013 und ab dem 2. Dezember 2013 jeweils:
ein Praktikum im Referat Kommunikation
Praktikum kann ganztags oder studienbegleitend halbtags absolviert
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Zu den Aufgaben im Bereich Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
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Geschäftsstelle der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft befindet sich in Berlin-Mitte,
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Štipendiá & práca
Celkový počet zobrazení stránky
štvrtok 5. septembra 2013
Praktikum im Europabüro der FES in Brüssel
das Europabüro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Brüssel sucht ab Februar 2014 wieder PraktikantInnen! http://www.fes-europe.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65&Itemid=67&lang=de
Das Praktikum richtet sich an Studenten/innen, die sich für Europapolitik und die Arbeit der europäischen Institutionen interessieren und die Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung im internationalen Kontext kennenlernen wollen.
Das Praktikum umfasst einen Zeitraum von 5 bis 6 Monaten. Die wesentliche Aufgabe besteht in der Organisation und Durchführung von Konferenzen, Veranstaltungen und Seminaren zu den Themen Europäische Integration, EU und ihre Nachbarn, EU in der Welt sowie EU und globale Fragen. Die Bearbeitung eines inhaltlichen Projekte zu einem der o.g. Themenbereiche kommt ergänzend hinzu.
Voraussetzungen für ein Praktikum:
- Sie sind immatrikulierte/r Student/in, vorzugsweise der Geistes-, der Sozialwissenschaften, und/oder der European Studies.
- Mehrsprachigkeit: sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse, gute bis sehr gute Englischkenntnisse sowie gute Französisch- und/oder Spanischkenntnisse wünschenswert.
- Sie sind gesellschaftspolitisch engagiert.
- Fundierte PC-Kenntnisse: Der Computer ist für Sie ein selbstverständliches Arbeits- und Kommunikationsmittel.
Das Europabüro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung vergibt 2x im Jahr 2-3 Praktikumsplätze für folgende Zeiträume:
- 03. Februar bis 15. Juli 2014 (Bewerbungsfrist: 15. Oktober 2013)
- 25. August 2014 bis 31. Januar 2015 (Bewerbungsfrist: 15. April 2014)
Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit folgenden Unterlagen:
- Bewerbungsschreiben und Lebenslauf
- Zeugnis- und Praktikakopien
Senden Sie die Unterlagen vorzugsweise per E-Mail an michaela.oberhuber@fes-europe.eu bzw. an fes@fes-europe.eu oder per Post an folgende Anschrift: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, rue du Taciturne38, B-1000 Bruxelles, zu Händen von Frau Michaela Oberhuber.
Das Praktikum richtet sich an Studenten/innen, die sich für Europapolitik und die Arbeit der europäischen Institutionen interessieren und die Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung im internationalen Kontext kennenlernen wollen.
Das Praktikum umfasst einen Zeitraum von 5 bis 6 Monaten. Die wesentliche Aufgabe besteht in der Organisation und Durchführung von Konferenzen, Veranstaltungen und Seminaren zu den Themen Europäische Integration, EU und ihre Nachbarn, EU in der Welt sowie EU und globale Fragen. Die Bearbeitung eines inhaltlichen Projekte zu einem der o.g. Themenbereiche kommt ergänzend hinzu.
Voraussetzungen für ein Praktikum:
- Sie sind immatrikulierte/r Student/in, vorzugsweise der Geistes-, der Sozialwissenschaften, und/oder der European Studies.
- Mehrsprachigkeit: sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse, gute bis sehr gute Englischkenntnisse sowie gute Französisch- und/oder Spanischkenntnisse wünschenswert.
- Sie sind gesellschaftspolitisch engagiert.
- Fundierte PC-Kenntnisse: Der Computer ist für Sie ein selbstverständliches Arbeits- und Kommunikationsmittel.
Das Europabüro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung vergibt 2x im Jahr 2-3 Praktikumsplätze für folgende Zeiträume:
- 03. Februar bis 15. Juli 2014 (Bewerbungsfrist: 15. Oktober 2013)
- 25. August 2014 bis 31. Januar 2015 (Bewerbungsfrist: 15. April 2014)
Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit folgenden Unterlagen:
- Bewerbungsschreiben und Lebenslauf
- Zeugnis- und Praktikakopien
Senden Sie die Unterlagen vorzugsweise per E-Mail an michaela.oberhuber@fes-europe.eu bzw. an fes@fes-europe.eu oder per Post an folgende Anschrift: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, rue du Taciturne38, B-1000 Bruxelles, zu Händen von Frau Michaela Oberhuber.
Women4Energy International Conference, Stuttgart
Call for Research Results, Technology Solutions and Business Ideas
The Women4Energy Conference encourages female entrepreneurs, women from energy related industry, women in science from research institutions and universities, post doctoral fellows, PhD students, graduate students and master students to submit an abstract with their research results and technology solutions as well as their business ideas in any of the following fields:- Intelligent, energy-efficient buildings and cities
- Sustainable nuclear and renewable energy convergence
- Clean coal technologies
- European smart electric grid & electric storage
- Energy from chemical fuels
- Energy from renewables
We invite you to send your abstracts and a short CV using the Word template(maximum of 2 pages in English) to Alexandra Ormisová, ormisova@steinbeis-europa.de.
Submission deadline is 30th September 2013.
Please find the application form here.
štvrtok 22. augusta 2013
Hľadáme stážistov do tímu Odkazprestarostu.sk
Si študentka alebo študent VŠ a máš chuť a čas získať popri štúdiu aj zaujímavú pracovnú skúsenosť?
Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť ponúka od septembra 2013 dve platené stáže, a to v rámci projektu Odkazprestarostu.sk.
Miesto obidvoch stáží: Bratislava
Čo je náplňou stáže?
Čo je náplňou stáže?
Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť ponúka od septembra 2013 dve platené stáže, a to v rámci projektu Odkazprestarostu.sk.
Miesto obidvoch stáží: Bratislava
Čo je náplňou stáže?
- príprava podkladov a materiálov pre vzdelávací projekt Odkazprestarostu.sk “Samospráva sa neriadi sama”
- administratívna podpora
- komunikácia s partnermi a samosprávami zapojenými do projektových aktivít
- študent/ka sociálnych vied, práva alebo ekonomických odborov
- systematickosť
- spoľahlivosť
- záujem a základná orientácia v oblasti miestnej samosprávy na Slovensku
- zotrvanie na stáži počas jedného roka
- tvorivú prácu
- finančnú odmenu
- možnosť rozvoja vlastných aktivít
Čo je náplňou stáže?
- organizačná a administratívna podpora v rámci projektu Odkazprestarostu.sk zameraného na dobrovoľníctvo
- komunikácia s domácimi aj zahraničnými partnermi, zapojenými samosprávami a prednášajúcimi
- príprava podkladov a materiálov na dobrovoľnícke podujatia a konferenciu
- písanie príspevkov na web
- študent/ka VŠ so vzťahom k písaniu
- systematickosť
- spoľahlivosť
- komunikatívnosť
- dobré organizačné schopnosti
- dobrá znalosť angličtiny
- zotrvanie na stáži do apríla 2013
- tvorivú prácu
- finančnú odmenu
- možnosť rozvoja vlastných aktivít
Female Entrepreneurs Regional Conference, Macedonia
Deadline: 31 August 2013
Open to: leaders in entrepreneurship from the South Eastern European countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia)
Venue: 17-19 October 2013, Struga, Macedonia
Invest for the Future, a project to support learning, networking and earning potential of female entrepreneurs funded by the U.S. Department of State, has an open application process for another regional conference to address female entrepreneurship hot topics and emerging issues. This time, the conference IFTF#Talent – Mine, Yours & Ours is taking place in Struga, Macedonia, October 17 through 19, 2013. It will gather talented women from across the region and across different sectors.Eligibility
This conference is intended primarily for women from the Southeast Europe Region, particularly Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Although depending on regional interest, some additional spots may be available for interested applicants from elsewhere to pay their own expenses. The common criteria for those selected to attend will be:- Ability to share a specific talent/expertise that they possess
- Desire and openness to acquire new skills
- Motivation to spread the practical knowledge gained through conference participation to other women in their networks
Full scholarships (to cover transportation, room and board) are available for approximately 50 women. Those who are not offered a scholarship may be invited to attend at their own expense. While the total cost of participation will vary due to point of origin and related transportation costs, room and board is expected to be less than $75 per night.Application
Apply online HERE. The applications will be accepted until 31 August 2013. Acceptance notifications will go out the first week in September.For more information visit the official website.
Intern at Public International Law & Policy Group, Sarajevo
Deadline: on a rolling basis
Open to: native English speakers with successful completion of at least the first two years of university
Remuneration: not specified
The Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) seeks an intern to support the project in their office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The position may be part-time or full-time. PILPG is implementing a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) aimed at supporting BiH civil society organizations (CSOs), activists and civic leaders to play a stronger and more integral role in identifying and proposing constitutional reforms needed to strengthen BiH’s Euro-Atlantic integration processes, stability, security and prosperity. PILPG works with a number of CSOs on various aspects of constitutional reform, approaching the issue from many different process and sector angles.Some of the responsibilities are:
- Provide drafting and editing support on legal memoranda and other reports
- Support ongoing project implementation
- Conduct background research supporting project needs
- Attend relevant events as requested by the Chief of Party/Program Manager
Candidates should fulfill the following requirements:- Native English speaker
- Successful completion of at least the first two years of university
- Strong interest in BiH politics, democratization, governance, and human rights
- Strong editing skills, and careful attention to detail
- Research and analysis skills
- Ability to work both independently and as a part of the team
- Demonstrated initiative, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking
All interested candidates should send their CV, a short motivation letter and a writing sample (in English) to jcolic@pilpg.org, indicating period of availability. Applications will be reviewed on rolling basis.For more information, visit the PILPG website HERE.
Call for Papers at East Central Europe Conference, Romania
Deadline: 30 August 2013
Open to: researchers and experts worldwide on the four topics to be discussed at the conference – legal unification; family law; property; and political and cultural regionalism
Venue: Cluj-Napoca, Romania from 28-30 November 2013
The Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig and the University of Siegen have launched a Call for Papers for the conference “Phantom borders and legal regionalism. The legal culture in post-imperial and post-national contexts in East Central Europe 1919 – 1945 – 1989″, that will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in November 2013.Legal history in and about East Central and Southeast Europe is probably the field of historiography that is most intensely dominated by the paradigm of the transfer of norms and institutions. However, traditional legal history generally does not analyze how these transfers occurred, which actors expedited them in particular phases and what their motives for doing so were, how the legal institutes were adapted and institutionalized, and finally, which impact this had on the political process and legal reality.
The conference will discuss law, legal culture, institutions and institutional change as dynamic processes and social practices of specific actors. Legal culture is thus not understood as a homogenous phenomenon over space and time, but rather as a changeable phenomenon that can be made accessible to research in the field of tension between politics, the legislature, jurisprudence and jurisdiction, as well as between the professions involved in legal affairs. Given the chequered political and territorial history of East Central and Southeast Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries, it can be assumed that there are more or less effective differences in the legal culture and that these differences can be territorialized.
Speakers’ travel and accommodation costs will be covered.Eligibility
Papers are invited from researchers and experts worldwide on the defined topics below. Working with four topic areas, the conference will address legal cultural phantom borders and their reinforcement by specific elite actors and as an expression of social practices:- Legal unification: transfer and transplants; new codifications; socialist law; Europeanization: During the interwar period, legal literature examined three ways of establishing legal unification within a state: a) a legislative “zero hour” via the rewriting of all basic legal codes and statute books; b) a complete and immediate extension of a body of laws to the new provinces; and c) the fundamental extension of a body of laws to the new provinces accompanied by a temporary and material retention of some regulations from the new provinces.
- Family law: marriages and divorces, inheritance, guardianship: The laws on marriage, divorce, inheritance and guardianship belong to the areas of the legal system that most directly link the normative and institutional side of the state system with the everyday reality of the population.
- Property: notions, institutions and professions: Property, as well as the institutions and professions that deal with it, belong to the legal-cultural phenomena that have a very high potential to create phantom borders and to establish regional associative relationships. This panel will provide a forum for papers that analyse macro processes such as land reforms, collectivisation and de-collectivisation / reprivatisation on the three above-mentioned property levels and present regional and identity discourses and practices.
- Political and cultural regionalism: The reconfiguration of nation states following the First World War led to regionalist movements in many East Central and Southeast European societies. This panel will discuss regionalist parties, publications, movements and practices. The construction of regional identities in the field of tension between the national and imperial or European centres is of particular interest.
The conference welcomes proposals for a paper in the form of a short statement (1 – 2 pages), including a brief academic CV. Please send your proposal by 30 August 2013 to muellerd@uni-leipzig.deand claudia.kraft@uni-siegen.de. The conference will be held in English.For further inquiries, contact the Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe at the University of Leipzig at muellerd@uni-leipzig.de or the University of Siegen at claudia.kraft@uni-siegen.de.
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