- Balkan Youth Forum (BYF) is a five-day international conference that will be held from 5th to 9th of April 2012 in Kragujevac (SERBIA). BYF conference is free, and it is organized for students (bachelor and master) that are particularly interested in topics like regional integration and cooperation between Balkan countries.
Participants will have opportunity to hear most prominent speakers, to discuss and work in small groups and to be involved in many social activities.
The application deadline is February 29 (Wednesday) 2012, before 23:59 o’clock. We strongly encourage all application materials be submitted as soon as possible, because they are being reveiwed on a rolling basis.
The aim of this forum is to spread awareness of significance and necessity of regional cooperation among students by battling numerous prejudices through getting to know each other and mutual interaction. The last two decades have dealt a significant blow to the countries of the region, as a consequence of numerous factors, including wars, transition of states towards capitalist society and the process of joining the European Union. Even though these countries find themselves in different phases of the above mentioned processes, they will and already share the same problems. Limited political influence and economic power of individual states imply the necessity of further bonding, so that the entire region could enter the global development scheme. Although the younger generations will also be both subjects and objects of this integration in the near future, they have been overlooked by the regional initiatives that have been raised so far.
Topics will be divided into two modules:
1. Economic aspects of regional integration,
2. Political aspects of regional integration.
Each module will be envisioned and led by the eminent university professors, politicians and managers from the Balkan region.
Program will consist of five main parts:
1) Activities aimed at getting to know each other and building a team spirit: Opening exercises – getting to know each other – games or remembering the names of all the members of a committee, exercises in removing barriers in communication, exercises in building and strengthening trust within a group, problem solving exercises and games whose sole purpose is fun and recreation. It is by these activities that the participants of the conference will, through various simulations, be directed to cooperation as the most efficient way to solve problems.2) Brief glance at the history from the 19th century onward: Students will be offered at least two views of the region’s history, through lectures of two professors. Different approaches to history have so far been one of the major obstacles to building a solid foundation of long term cooperation and integration. The goal of these lectures is to accept different views of specific events and the possibility of facing historical facts that are not equally available in different countries.3) Lectures within modules for students of various faculties. Participants of the conference will attend lectures of their respective professional fields. For example, economists will hear about perspectives of economic cooperation within a region through CEFTA agreement and the significance of that cooperation for competitiveness at the international market. Lectures arranged in such modules will provide for dealing with topics that require knowledge, and which will enable the deligates to tackle issues they so far haven’t had the chance to hear about at the faculty.4) Workshops and round tables will provide the attendants with opportunities to discuss the topics of the conference themselves, but also to hear discussions of relevant guests from the world of politics, economy and the law about the past, present and the future of cooperation in the region. Confronting attitudes will enable the students to form their own standpoints and form a critical view of a multitude of issues. In addition to this, they will also be given the opportunity to improve their skills in public debate and self-expression.5) Adoption of resolutions (through simulation of work of European parliament): On the last day of conference students will be divided into six committees, which will threat different problems in the region. Inside every committee delegates will discuss about problems in the region and then form resolutions in order to solve them, although even highest country officials could not. After that, these resolutions will be presented to general assembly that will discuss it and adopt it or not in the end. Adopted resolutions will be sent to national parliaments on Balkan. Besides learning how European Parliament works, delegates will have a chance to present a joint youth opinion about these topics.Conference is free for all participants. Transportation form Belgrade to Kragujevac and back will be provide. Hotel Šumarice has all necesarry infrastructure including capacity and room structure, conference rooms and adequate grounds for outdoor activities which makes it a perfect location.
Registration: http://balkanyouthforum.org/conference-registration/
more information: http://balkanyouthforum.org
Celkový počet zobrazení stránky
streda 29. februára 2012
pondelok 27. februára 2012
CfA: 'Balkans, let's get up 2012'
Call for Applications
Balkans, let's get up! 2012
Balkans, let's get up! ("BLGU") is a programme that combines theory
and practice of democratic engagement and it aims to support the
democratic development of the Balkan Region by strengthening its Civil
Society. You can apply for a scholarship that allows you to
participate in the whole programme.
The whole programme consists firstly of three Seminars to create and
develop a project idea, to prepare the implementation of the
participants' projects and to evaluate and reflect the conducted
projects. Secondly, it consists of the participants' projects, whose
planning is supported by international trainers
and whose implementation is accompanied by experienced project
managers as Mentors. Thirdly, participants become part of the already
established Network of young engaged social activists of BLGU.
For the application it is not a criteria, whether you study or work,
which religion or ethnicity you belong to or if you are experienced in
international exchange or in projectmanagement. If you are motivated
to play an active part in your society you are the right person to
apply for the programme of BLGU.
¢ Age from 18 to 27
¢ Ability to discuss in English
¢ Citizenship of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania or Serbia
¢ Motivation and time to take part in each step of the programme
Time frame of the BLGU programme:
Spring School: 17.04. - 24.04.2012.
We discuss innovative approaches to democratization, what democracy
means on different levels of society and which forms for active
engagement are possible. The Spring School is the starting point for
concrete projects.
This year we offer two Spring Schools with two different main topics -
ecology and civic activism.
Important note: Candidates from Kosovo can apply only for the Ecology
Spring School.
Project Management Seminar: 28.05. - 02.06.2012.
On the Project Management Seminar various aspects of the participants'
project will be planned according to the special needs of the
projects. Topics such as time management, conflict management,
communication, public relations, fundraising etc. are part of it.
Between the Project Management Seminar and the Evaluation and
Perspective Seminar the projects are conducted by the participants and
accompanied by experienced Mentors.
Evaluation and Perspective Seminar: 29.09.- 03.10.2012
This Seminar allows the participants to reflect the results and the
process of their project. It is aiming at future chances that open up
because of the new experiences made within BLGU and of the network,
which allows sustainable support of engagement. Participants will also
get acquainted with local and regional NGOs and other young people
taking action in the region.
Each of the seminars is conducted in a country on the Balkans. The
working language is English.
How to apply
Apply online through the application form at www.balkansletsgetup.org
until 04.03.2012.
Decide for a theme and send us through the webpage:
¢ Filled out application form: Ecology or Civic Activism
¢ A letter of motivation: Why do you want to take part in oeBalkans,
letTMs get up!oe? Tell us up to 400 words about your personality and
your motivation.
¢ Answer a question up to 400 words in a short essay, poem or short
story to the specified topics.
¢ By applying for BLGU you agree to our programme-agreement
If you have further questions about BLGU we invite you to visit our
www.balkansletsgetup.org, to visit our Facebook profile or to just
send your question to info@balkansletsgetup.org.
We are looking forward to your application. Keep acting!
The Balkans, let's get up! Team
"Balkans, let's get up!" 2012 is being realized in cooperation with
the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the
Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bulgaria and Romania.
Balkans, let's get up! 2012
Balkans, let's get up! ("BLGU") is a programme that combines theory
and practice of democratic engagement and it aims to support the
democratic development of the Balkan Region by strengthening its Civil
Society. You can apply for a scholarship that allows you to
participate in the whole programme.
The whole programme consists firstly of three Seminars to create and
develop a project idea, to prepare the implementation of the
participants' projects and to evaluate and reflect the conducted
projects. Secondly, it consists of the participants' projects, whose
planning is supported by international trainers
and whose implementation is accompanied by experienced project
managers as Mentors. Thirdly, participants become part of the already
established Network of young engaged social activists of BLGU.
For the application it is not a criteria, whether you study or work,
which religion or ethnicity you belong to or if you are experienced in
international exchange or in projectmanagement. If you are motivated
to play an active part in your society you are the right person to
apply for the programme of BLGU.
¢ Age from 18 to 27
¢ Ability to discuss in English
¢ Citizenship of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania or Serbia
¢ Motivation and time to take part in each step of the programme
Time frame of the BLGU programme:
Spring School: 17.04. - 24.04.2012.
We discuss innovative approaches to democratization, what democracy
means on different levels of society and which forms for active
engagement are possible. The Spring School is the starting point for
concrete projects.
This year we offer two Spring Schools with two different main topics -
ecology and civic activism.
Important note: Candidates from Kosovo can apply only for the Ecology
Spring School.
Project Management Seminar: 28.05. - 02.06.2012.
On the Project Management Seminar various aspects of the participants'
project will be planned according to the special needs of the
projects. Topics such as time management, conflict management,
communication, public relations, fundraising etc. are part of it.
Between the Project Management Seminar and the Evaluation and
Perspective Seminar the projects are conducted by the participants and
accompanied by experienced Mentors.
Evaluation and Perspective Seminar: 29.09.- 03.10.2012
This Seminar allows the participants to reflect the results and the
process of their project. It is aiming at future chances that open up
because of the new experiences made within BLGU and of the network,
which allows sustainable support of engagement. Participants will also
get acquainted with local and regional NGOs and other young people
taking action in the region.
Each of the seminars is conducted in a country on the Balkans. The
working language is English.
How to apply
Apply online through the application form at www.balkansletsgetup.org
until 04.03.2012.
Decide for a theme and send us through the webpage:
¢ Filled out application form: Ecology or Civic Activism
¢ A letter of motivation: Why do you want to take part in oeBalkans,
letTMs get up!oe? Tell us up to 400 words about your personality and
your motivation.
¢ Answer a question up to 400 words in a short essay, poem or short
story to the specified topics.
¢ By applying for BLGU you agree to our programme-agreement
If you have further questions about BLGU we invite you to visit our
www.balkansletsgetup.org, to visit our Facebook profile or to just
send your question to info@balkansletsgetup.org.
We are looking forward to your application. Keep acting!
The Balkans, let's get up! Team
"Balkans, let's get up!" 2012 is being realized in cooperation with
the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the
Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bulgaria and Romania.
Ausschreibung von WHK-Stellen am Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Politische Kulturen der Weltgesellschaft"
Die Universität Duisburg-Essen hat am Campus Duisburg im Käte Hamburger
"Politische Kulturen der Weltgesellschaft" mehrere Stellen für
*wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte*
zu besetzen.
Das internationale Kolleg befasst sich mit den kulturellen Prämissen und
Dynamiken emergenter Ordnungs- und Governance-Strukturen in der
aktuellen Weltgesellschaft und der Frage nach der Möglichkeit globaler
Es hat seine Arbeit im Februar 2012 aufgenommen. Die Direktoren sind
Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel (Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden / INEF,
Duisburg), Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut
Essen / KWI
und Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik /
DIE, Bonn).
Das Kolleg ist im Duisburger Innenhafen angesiedelt, der Industriekultur
mit modernen Bürobauten und Kultur verbindet, nahe der Innenstadt liegt
und gut mit dem Campus verbunden ist, an dem auch das INEF liegt.
Durch die Beteiligung des KWI ist das Kolleg mit zugleich mit Essen
verkoppelt, der Stadt, unter deren Federführung das Ruhrgebiet im Jahr
2010 Europäische Kulturhauptstadt war.
Über das DIE wirkt das Kolleg auch in die UN-Stadt Bonn hinein, die
eine hohe Dichte international tätiger Institutionen aufweist
Der folgenden Aufstellung können Sie die Kurzbeschreibung der Stellen
113 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel)
114 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie)
115 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner)
116 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 1
117 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 2 »Globale
118 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 3 »Global
Governance revisited«)
119 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 4
»Demokratisierungsparadoxe und -perspektiven«)
120 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Wiss. Geschäftsführung,
121 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Fellowbetreuung)
122 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
123 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Konzeption, Planung und Durchführung
wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen)
Besetzungszeitpunkt ist der 2. April 2012; die Vertragsdauer beläuft
sich auf zunächst 12 Monate (Verlängerung möglich). Die Arbeitszeit
liegt bei einigen Stellen
bei 19 h/Woche (Teilzeit möglich), bei anderen Stellen bei 10 h/Woche.
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 4. März 2012. Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter:
Die Universität Duisburg-Essen verfolgt das Ziel, die Vielfalt ihrer
Mitglieder zu fördern und berücksichtigt die Kompetenzen, die diese z.B.
aufgrund ihres Alters oder ihrer Herkunft mitbringen.
Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter und Gleichgestellter i. S. des
§ 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX sind erwünscht.
Die Universität Duisburg-Essen ist für ihre Bemühungen um die
Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau mit dem „Total-E-Quality-Award“
ausgezeichnet worden. Sie strebt die Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen am
wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb einschlägig
qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.
Frauen werden nach Maßgabe des Landesgleichstellungsgesetzes bei
gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der betreffenden Kennziffer
ausschließlich in elektronischer Form (pdf-Dateien oder ähnliche
Formate) an Herrn Matthias Schuler, Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden
(INEF), Telefon 0203 / 379-2197, E-Mail <khk@inef.uni-due.de
Welche Unterlagen Sie beifügen sollten, können Sie den einzelnen
Ausschreibungen entnehmen.
Sollten Sie sich auf mehrere WHK-Ausschreibungen im Rahmen des Käte
Hamburger Kollegs bewerben, so bitten wir Sie, dies mit separaten
E-Mails zu tun, die jeweils die kompletten Unterlagen und im Betreff die
jeweils einschlägige Kennziffer enthalten. Vermerken Sie in solch einem
Fall im Anschreiben, dass Sie sich auch auf andere Stellen als
wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft beworben haben. Sehen Sie aber bitte davon
ab, mehr als drei Bewerbungen einzureichen.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Universität Duisburg-ib-Essen, Direktor, Institut
für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF), Lotharstr. 53, 47057 Duisburg.
"Politische Kulturen der Weltgesellschaft" mehrere Stellen für
*wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte*
zu besetzen.
Das internationale Kolleg befasst sich mit den kulturellen Prämissen und
Dynamiken emergenter Ordnungs- und Governance-Strukturen in der
aktuellen Weltgesellschaft und der Frage nach der Möglichkeit globaler
Es hat seine Arbeit im Februar 2012 aufgenommen. Die Direktoren sind
Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel (Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden / INEF,
Duisburg), Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut
Essen / KWI
und Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik /
DIE, Bonn).
Das Kolleg ist im Duisburger Innenhafen angesiedelt, der Industriekultur
mit modernen Bürobauten und Kultur verbindet, nahe der Innenstadt liegt
und gut mit dem Campus verbunden ist, an dem auch das INEF liegt.
Durch die Beteiligung des KWI ist das Kolleg mit zugleich mit Essen
verkoppelt, der Stadt, unter deren Federführung das Ruhrgebiet im Jahr
2010 Europäische Kulturhauptstadt war.
Über das DIE wirkt das Kolleg auch in die UN-Stadt Bonn hinein, die
eine hohe Dichte international tätiger Institutionen aufweist
Der folgenden Aufstellung können Sie die Kurzbeschreibung der Stellen
113 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel)
114 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie)
115 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner)
116 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 1
117 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 2 »Globale
118 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 3 »Global
Governance revisited«)
119 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Forschungscluster 4
»Demokratisierungsparadoxe und -perspektiven«)
120 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Assistenz Wiss. Geschäftsführung,
121 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Fellowbetreuung)
122 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
123 – 12 wiss. Hilfskraft (Konzeption, Planung und Durchführung
wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen)
Besetzungszeitpunkt ist der 2. April 2012; die Vertragsdauer beläuft
sich auf zunächst 12 Monate (Verlängerung möglich). Die Arbeitszeit
liegt bei einigen Stellen
bei 19 h/Woche (Teilzeit möglich), bei anderen Stellen bei 10 h/Woche.
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 4. März 2012. Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter:
Die Universität Duisburg-Essen verfolgt das Ziel, die Vielfalt ihrer
Mitglieder zu fördern und berücksichtigt die Kompetenzen, die diese z.B.
aufgrund ihres Alters oder ihrer Herkunft mitbringen.
Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter und Gleichgestellter i. S. des
§ 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX sind erwünscht.
Die Universität Duisburg-Essen ist für ihre Bemühungen um die
Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau mit dem „Total-E-Quality-Award“
ausgezeichnet worden. Sie strebt die Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen am
wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb einschlägig
qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben.
Frauen werden nach Maßgabe des Landesgleichstellungsgesetzes bei
gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der betreffenden Kennziffer
ausschließlich in elektronischer Form (pdf-Dateien oder ähnliche
Formate) an Herrn Matthias Schuler, Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden
(INEF), Telefon 0203 / 379-2197, E-Mail <khk@inef.uni-due.de
Welche Unterlagen Sie beifügen sollten, können Sie den einzelnen
Ausschreibungen entnehmen.
Sollten Sie sich auf mehrere WHK-Ausschreibungen im Rahmen des Käte
Hamburger Kollegs bewerben, so bitten wir Sie, dies mit separaten
E-Mails zu tun, die jeweils die kompletten Unterlagen und im Betreff die
jeweils einschlägige Kennziffer enthalten. Vermerken Sie in solch einem
Fall im Anschreiben, dass Sie sich auch auf andere Stellen als
wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft beworben haben. Sehen Sie aber bitte davon
ab, mehr als drei Bewerbungen einzureichen.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, Universität Duisburg-ib-Essen, Direktor, Institut
für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF), Lotharstr. 53, 47057 Duisburg.
Hilfskraftstelle in Berlin (BTS)
Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften Otto-Suhr-Institut für
Politikwissenschaft Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Stud.
Hilfskraft (40 MoStd.)
Unterstützung der wissenschaftlichen Dienstkräfte in der Geschäftstelle
bei der Programmimplementation. Dies umfasst Veranstaltungsorganisation
und -durchführung, Projektmanagement im Bereich Wissenschaft und
Nachwuchsförderung, Kommunikation mit Partnereinrichtungen.
-2 abgeschlossene Hochschulsemester
-Studium der Sozialwissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft bzw. affiner Fächer
-Erfahrung im Bereich Veranstaltungsorganisation -Kommunikationsfähigkeit,
Organisationstalent und Fähigkeit zum selbständigen Arbeiten -Erfahrung
und Problemlösungsfähigkeit im Umgang mit MS Office -sehr gute
Englischkenntnisse -Teamfähigkeit
bis 31.12.2013 (Projektende)
Bewerbungen sind mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen bis zum 05.03.2012 unter
Angabe der Kennziffer SHK/2012/01 zu richten an die
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften Otto-Suhr-Institut für
Politikwissenschaft Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Herrn
Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse Ihnestr. 21
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
Politikwissenschaft Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Stud.
Hilfskraft (40 MoStd.)
Unterstützung der wissenschaftlichen Dienstkräfte in der Geschäftstelle
bei der Programmimplementation. Dies umfasst Veranstaltungsorganisation
und -durchführung, Projektmanagement im Bereich Wissenschaft und
Nachwuchsförderung, Kommunikation mit Partnereinrichtungen.
-2 abgeschlossene Hochschulsemester
-Studium der Sozialwissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft bzw. affiner Fächer
-Erfahrung im Bereich Veranstaltungsorganisation -Kommunikationsfähigkeit,
Organisationstalent und Fähigkeit zum selbständigen Arbeiten -Erfahrung
und Problemlösungsfähigkeit im Umgang mit MS Office -sehr gute
Englischkenntnisse -Teamfähigkeit
bis 31.12.2013 (Projektende)
Bewerbungen sind mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen bis zum 05.03.2012 unter
Angabe der Kennziffer SHK/2012/01 zu richten an die
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften Otto-Suhr-Institut für
Politikwissenschaft Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies Herrn
Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse Ihnestr. 21
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
CfA Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences
Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical
Berlin, July 15-27, 2012
The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical
Research aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their
methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research.
In a first step, we tackle the key methodological challenges of
concept-building, causation and micro-macro-linkage that occur in all
research efforts and aim at a clarification of the epistemological
implications underlying methodological paradigms. In a second step, we
apply these methodological considerations by looking at how central
empirical fields of research in political science and sociology have dealt
with these challenges and – by referring to selected empirical studies –
what solutions have been found to overcome them. Furthermore, participants
are provided with hands-on research advice and have the opportunity to
present their own work and approaches to these issues.
The Berlin Summer School is a joint endeavor of two of Germany’s leading
social science institutions, the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences
(BGSS) at Humboldt-UniversitätzuBerlin and the Social Science Research
Center Berlin (WZB).
The two-week summer school both attracts internationally renowned scholars
and draws on Berlin-based faculty. Among the confirmed international
lecturers are Delia Baldassarri (Princeton University), Peter Bearman
(Columbia University), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley), Craig Calhoun (NYU/LSE),
Donatella Della Porta (EUI), Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan),
and Klaus von Beyme (Universität Heidelberg).
The international summer school is open to thirty PhD candidates. Due to
generous funding by the BGSS and the WZB, there will be no tuition fee. We
have applied for additional funding and thus might be able to cover travel
and accommodation costs for all participants. A decision is expected soon.
Five ECTS Credit Points can be granted upon successful completion.
The call for applications has opened. Applications can be submitted online
via the application form until March 31, 2012.
For additional information, please visit our webpage at
www.berlinsummerschool.de or contact directly Andreas Schäfer at
Berlin, July 15-27, 2012
The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical
Research aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their
methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research.
In a first step, we tackle the key methodological challenges of
concept-building, causation and micro-macro-linkage that occur in all
research efforts and aim at a clarification of the epistemological
implications underlying methodological paradigms. In a second step, we
apply these methodological considerations by looking at how central
empirical fields of research in political science and sociology have dealt
with these challenges and – by referring to selected empirical studies –
what solutions have been found to overcome them. Furthermore, participants
are provided with hands-on research advice and have the opportunity to
present their own work and approaches to these issues.
The Berlin Summer School is a joint endeavor of two of Germany’s leading
social science institutions, the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences
(BGSS) at Humboldt-UniversitätzuBerlin and the Social Science Research
Center Berlin (WZB).
The two-week summer school both attracts internationally renowned scholars
and draws on Berlin-based faculty. Among the confirmed international
lecturers are Delia Baldassarri (Princeton University), Peter Bearman
(Columbia University), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley), Craig Calhoun (NYU/LSE),
Donatella Della Porta (EUI), Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan),
and Klaus von Beyme (Universität Heidelberg).
The international summer school is open to thirty PhD candidates. Due to
generous funding by the BGSS and the WZB, there will be no tuition fee. We
have applied for additional funding and thus might be able to cover travel
and accommodation costs for all participants. A decision is expected soon.
Five ECTS Credit Points can be granted upon successful completion.
The call for applications has opened. Applications can be submitted online
via the application form until March 31, 2012.
For additional information, please visit our webpage at
www.berlinsummerschool.de or contact directly Andreas Schäfer at
nedeľa 26. februára 2012
Call for Applications for consultancy with UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre
Vacancy Announcement for a Consultancy*
*Duty station:* Osaka, Japan
*Unit: *International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)
Division for Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
*Duration:* 06 months with possibility of extension (03 months
*Conditions:* Full time
*Start date: *As soon as possible
*Deadline for applications: **Close of business 03 March 2012*
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Environmental
Technology Centre (IETC) promotes and implements environmentally sound
technologies (ESTs), including management systems for sustainable
production and consumption. In particular, IETC focuses on waste management
issues, including technology support, demonstration/pilot projects,
capacity building, and advisory services, IETC covers a wide range of waste
streams and cross-cutting issues, e.g. integrated solid waste management
(ISWM), e-waste, waste plastics, waste agricultural biomass, health care
waste, waste oils. IETC is located in Osaka, Japan. For further
information, please see: http://www.unep.or.jp/
Waste management has been taken up as a priority by international
organizations, and various stakeholders are already engaged in waste
management activities all over the world. However, to date, these
activities have followed a rather sectoral and piecemeal approach, leading
to duplication of efforts and competing rather than complementing
activities. To avoid duplication, make existing efforts more effective by
enhancing cooperation, and to identify and fill information gaps, UNEP
started a series of consultations leading to the launch of the Global
Partnership on Waste Management (GPWM) in November 2010.
The GPWM is a voluntary and collaborative relationship between various
international stakeholders, in which all participants agree to work
together and coordinate activities in a systematic way to enhance
international cooperation and avoid duplication of efforts. The GPWM serves
as a coordination forum for various international stakeholders, including
bodies of the UN system and different parts of UNEP, such as the
Secretariats of the Basel Convention, the Division of Technology, Industry
and Economics (DTIE) (Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch (SCP),
IETC, Chemicals Branch), and the Division of Environmental Policy
Implementation (DEPI).
With the launch of the GPWM, UNEP responds to Governing Council decisions
24/5 and 25/8, calling for a holistic and integrated approach on waste
management. In 2011, UNEP Governing Council acknowledged the establishment
of the GPWM in its decision 26/3. The secretariat of the GPWM is hosted by
IETC. The GPWM currently has six sponsored focal areas, which are led by
different organizations, namely: integrated solid waste management (ISWM)
(IETC), e-waste (United Nations Industrial Development Organization –
UNIDO), waste agricultural biomass (IETC), waste and climate change
(International Solid Waste Association – ISWA), marine litter (UNEP DEPI),
waste minimization (UNEP DTIE/SCP).
*Tasks and Responsibilities*
Under the overall supervision of the Director of IETC and the under the
direct supervision of the Programme Officer responsible for GPWM, the
consultant will assist in implementing the partnership. In particular, the
responsibilities of the consultant, will include, but are not limited to,
the following:
*1) **Provide support in organizing the GPWM biennium conference*
- Assist in drafting discussion documents for the biennium
conference and steering committee meeting;
- Review proposals for conference session and assist in designing
the conference programme;
- Coordinate conference logistics; and
- Assist in drafting conference report.
* *
*2) **Assist in populating an online portal on waste management*
- Research information (existing databases, national policies,
case studies, events on waste management) online and structure it in a
user-friendly way.
*3) **Assist in mapping activities on waste management carried out by
major international organizations*
- Research information on waste management activities carried out
by international organizations; and
- Assist in developing project maps in a geographic information
system (GIS).
*4) **Assist in drafting a needs assessment report on capacity
building for waste management*
- Assist in analyzing needs assessment survey;
- Draft needs assessment report; and
- Assist in developing needs assessment map in GIS.
*5) **Perform other duties as required**.*
*Selection Criteria *
· A dynamic, independent and highly-organized young professional
with enthusiasm to learn and an ability to work effectively in fast-paced
and multi-cultural teams.
· Bachelor’s degree (in a field related to international relations,
international development, political science, or environmental policy
preferred) and professional experience in a related field. Master’s degree
· Excellent oral and written communications skills in English.
Language skills in French and/or Spanish desirable.
· Strong research and analytical skills.
· GIS skills are a strong plus.
· Strong organizational skills and administrative capabilities.
· Demonstrated ability to work flexibly on a range of assignments,
and prioritize a variety of complex evolving tasks.
· Demonstrated ability to effectively provide professional support
to senior staff, including working with teams.
· Demonstrated ability to manage multiple and competing demands
while ensuring due attention to detail and the high quality of products.
*Application Procedure*
Candidates should send their CV, UN personal history form (P11), and cover
letter to applications-ietc@unep.org reference GPWM consultancy by close of
business 03 March 2012.
*Duty station:* Osaka, Japan
*Unit: *International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)
Division for Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
*Duration:* 06 months with possibility of extension (03 months
*Conditions:* Full time
*Start date: *As soon as possible
*Deadline for applications: **Close of business 03 March 2012*
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Environmental
Technology Centre (IETC) promotes and implements environmentally sound
technologies (ESTs), including management systems for sustainable
production and consumption. In particular, IETC focuses on waste management
issues, including technology support, demonstration/pilot projects,
capacity building, and advisory services, IETC covers a wide range of waste
streams and cross-cutting issues, e.g. integrated solid waste management
(ISWM), e-waste, waste plastics, waste agricultural biomass, health care
waste, waste oils. IETC is located in Osaka, Japan. For further
information, please see: http://www.unep.or.jp/
Waste management has been taken up as a priority by international
organizations, and various stakeholders are already engaged in waste
management activities all over the world. However, to date, these
activities have followed a rather sectoral and piecemeal approach, leading
to duplication of efforts and competing rather than complementing
activities. To avoid duplication, make existing efforts more effective by
enhancing cooperation, and to identify and fill information gaps, UNEP
started a series of consultations leading to the launch of the Global
Partnership on Waste Management (GPWM) in November 2010.
The GPWM is a voluntary and collaborative relationship between various
international stakeholders, in which all participants agree to work
together and coordinate activities in a systematic way to enhance
international cooperation and avoid duplication of efforts. The GPWM serves
as a coordination forum for various international stakeholders, including
bodies of the UN system and different parts of UNEP, such as the
Secretariats of the Basel Convention, the Division of Technology, Industry
and Economics (DTIE) (Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch (SCP),
IETC, Chemicals Branch), and the Division of Environmental Policy
Implementation (DEPI).
With the launch of the GPWM, UNEP responds to Governing Council decisions
24/5 and 25/8, calling for a holistic and integrated approach on waste
management. In 2011, UNEP Governing Council acknowledged the establishment
of the GPWM in its decision 26/3. The secretariat of the GPWM is hosted by
IETC. The GPWM currently has six sponsored focal areas, which are led by
different organizations, namely: integrated solid waste management (ISWM)
(IETC), e-waste (United Nations Industrial Development Organization –
UNIDO), waste agricultural biomass (IETC), waste and climate change
(International Solid Waste Association – ISWA), marine litter (UNEP DEPI),
waste minimization (UNEP DTIE/SCP).
*Tasks and Responsibilities*
Under the overall supervision of the Director of IETC and the under the
direct supervision of the Programme Officer responsible for GPWM, the
consultant will assist in implementing the partnership. In particular, the
responsibilities of the consultant, will include, but are not limited to,
the following:
*1) **Provide support in organizing the GPWM biennium conference*
- Assist in drafting discussion documents for the biennium
conference and steering committee meeting;
- Review proposals for conference session and assist in designing
the conference programme;
- Coordinate conference logistics; and
- Assist in drafting conference report.
* *
*2) **Assist in populating an online portal on waste management*
- Research information (existing databases, national policies,
case studies, events on waste management) online and structure it in a
user-friendly way.
*3) **Assist in mapping activities on waste management carried out by
major international organizations*
- Research information on waste management activities carried out
by international organizations; and
- Assist in developing project maps in a geographic information
system (GIS).
*4) **Assist in drafting a needs assessment report on capacity
building for waste management*
- Assist in analyzing needs assessment survey;
- Draft needs assessment report; and
- Assist in developing needs assessment map in GIS.
*5) **Perform other duties as required**.*
*Selection Criteria *
· A dynamic, independent and highly-organized young professional
with enthusiasm to learn and an ability to work effectively in fast-paced
and multi-cultural teams.
· Bachelor’s degree (in a field related to international relations,
international development, political science, or environmental policy
preferred) and professional experience in a related field. Master’s degree
· Excellent oral and written communications skills in English.
Language skills in French and/or Spanish desirable.
· Strong research and analytical skills.
· GIS skills are a strong plus.
· Strong organizational skills and administrative capabilities.
· Demonstrated ability to work flexibly on a range of assignments,
and prioritize a variety of complex evolving tasks.
· Demonstrated ability to effectively provide professional support
to senior staff, including working with teams.
· Demonstrated ability to manage multiple and competing demands
while ensuring due attention to detail and the high quality of products.
*Application Procedure*
Candidates should send their CV, UN personal history form (P11), and cover
letter to applications-ietc@unep.org reference GPWM consultancy by close of
business 03 March 2012.
nedeľa 12. februára 2012
Internship by Slovak-American foundation in USA
Work alongside U.S. citizens at an exciting company in the world's largest economy, build your international network, improve your English, and kick-start your career.
The SAF Professional Internship Program scholarship is all-inclusive and scholarship recipients receive up to $30,000 for six-month or year-long internships in the U.S. Live and work in places as diverse as New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, or San Diego!
Program Eligibility
The SAF Professional Internship Program is a competitive and prestigious scholarship. We are looking for the next generation of business and civic leaders who have the potential to have a meaningful impact in Slovakia.
Applicants to the SAF Professional Internship Program must:
- Hold a passport from Slovakia
- Have written and oral English language proficiency sufficient to function in a business setting
- Be enrolled at an accredited post-secondary university and be in the final year (academic program/course of study must be at least three years in duration and result in some form of degree, e.g. Bachelors)
OR have graduated within six months of Application Deadline
OR be enrolled on a full-time basis at an accredited postgraduate university, e.g. Masters, Ph.D. - Not have immediate family members that are SAF employees, and/or SAF Board members
- Applicants should agree to uphold the Two-year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement as precondition for applying*
Desirable Experiences
Applicants will be selected based on but not limited to the following criteria:
- Academic performance
- Potential future contribution to home country
- Demonstrate leadership and self-motivation
- Strong entrepreneurial potential
- Ability to serve as a cultural ambassador to the U.S.
- Have clearly articulated goals
Am I Eligible?
Not sure if you’re eligible? With just a few clicks of your mouse you can find out.
Applying is easy!
- Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements
- Download and complete the Application
- Write a Personal Statement
- Collect and submit supplemental materials:
- Passport size photo
- Resume or CV
- Copy of unofficial university transcripts
- Two Reference Letters
- English Language Exam
The SAF Professional Internship Program Application may be submitted by email or mail with all supplemental materials.
Applicants who meet the program's eligibility requirements and best embody SAF values, goals, and objectives will be invited to interview. The interviews will be conducted in English and will assess English language ability and each candidate’s professional and personal preparedness.
Applicants will be notified by email regarding final acceptance decisions. Applicants will need to agree to uphold the Two-year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement as a precondition for acceptance.
Placement Process
Once accepted you will work one-on-one with a SAF professional in the U.S. who will secure an internship in your field.
Polish Your Resumé
We will work one-on-one with you to revise and improve your resumé as well as write cover letters for target companies.
Target Companies
We will work directly with you to identify exciting U.S. Companies that match your talents, goals, and career objectives.
Interview by Phone
SAF will set up a phone interview with your perspective employer and provide interview tips and best practices to help you be successful.
Accept the Internship
Accept the internship offer and begin planning your trip. SAF will prepare your visa paperwork and prepare you for relocating to the U.S.!
See where others have gone.
See where others have gone.
nedeľa 5. februára 2012
Praktikum im Bereich CSR der Bertelsmann Stiftung
Praktikant (m/w) im Projekt "Corporate Social Responsibility"
Praktikanten, Vollzeit, Befristet, Projektmanagement
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Wir über uns
Die Bertelsmann Stiftung in Gütersloh versteht ist eine operativ und konzeptionell arbeitende Stiftung, die Projekte selbst initiiert und diese von der Definition bis zur praktischen Umsetzung und Evaluation aktiv mitgestaltet. Zentrales Ziel des Programms Corporate Social Responsibility ist es, Bewusstsein für CSR bei Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik zu schärfen sowie bestehende und neue Ansätze von gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung in den Unternehmen zu fördern. Da Unternehmensverantwortung ihr volles Potenzial dann am besten entfalten kann, wenn Unternehmen mit Politik und Verwaltung sowie Non-Profit-Organisationen zusammenarbeiten, will das Projekt bewährte und neue Formen solcher Partnerschaften nachhaltig unterstützen.
Wir suchen ab März 2012 für drei Monate einen Praktikanten (m/w).
Ihre Vorteile
• Erlangen von Kompetenzen in der operativen Projektarbeit
• Selbstständiges Arbeiten durch eigene Aufgabenbereiche
• Kennen lernen der Organisation und Arbeitsweise eines Think Tanks
• Teilnahme an internen Fortbildungsangeboten (Lunchtimes etc.)
• Einblicke in Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Eventmanagement
• Chancen zum internen und externen Networking
Ihre Aufgaben
• Unterstützung im Modul CSR International, das sich mit Ausgestaltung förderlicher Rahmenbedingungen für das freiwillige Engagement von Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beschäftigt.
• Unterstützung bei der Erstellung einer Studie zum Thema: „Branchenspezifische CSR-Politik in Europa“
• Unterstützung bei der Organisation und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen im In- und Ausland (Workshops, Konferenzen, Seminare etc.)
• Konzeptionelle Unterstützung bei der Ausgestaltung von öffentlich-privaten Branchen-Dialogen
• Allgemeine Recherchetätigigkeiten
• Unterstützung beim Relaunch vom Informationsportal www.csr-weltweit.de
Unsere Anforderungen
• Studium der Wirtschafts- oder Sozialwissenschaften (oder eines vergleichbaren Studienganges)
• Fundierte Kenntnisse im Themengebiet Corporate Social Responsibility
• Erste praktische Erfahrung im Themengebiet wünschenswert
• Erfahrungen im Kommunikationsbereich sind von Vorteil
• Schnelle Auffassungsgabe und Analysefähigkeiten
• Selbständiges und strukturiertes Arbeiten
• Teamfähigkeit, Engagement und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
• Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
Das Praktikum wird vergütet. Inhaltliche Fragen beantwortet Ihnen gerne Samuil Simeonov, Tel.: 05241 81 81 496, samuil.simeonov@bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Frau Petra Johannkemper
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256
33311 Gütersloh
Praktikanten, Vollzeit, Befristet, Projektmanagement
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Wir über uns
Die Bertelsmann Stiftung in Gütersloh versteht ist eine operativ und konzeptionell arbeitende Stiftung, die Projekte selbst initiiert und diese von der Definition bis zur praktischen Umsetzung und Evaluation aktiv mitgestaltet. Zentrales Ziel des Programms Corporate Social Responsibility ist es, Bewusstsein für CSR bei Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik zu schärfen sowie bestehende und neue Ansätze von gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung in den Unternehmen zu fördern. Da Unternehmensverantwortung ihr volles Potenzial dann am besten entfalten kann, wenn Unternehmen mit Politik und Verwaltung sowie Non-Profit-Organisationen zusammenarbeiten, will das Projekt bewährte und neue Formen solcher Partnerschaften nachhaltig unterstützen.
Wir suchen ab März 2012 für drei Monate einen Praktikanten (m/w).
Ihre Vorteile
• Erlangen von Kompetenzen in der operativen Projektarbeit
• Selbstständiges Arbeiten durch eigene Aufgabenbereiche
• Kennen lernen der Organisation und Arbeitsweise eines Think Tanks
• Teilnahme an internen Fortbildungsangeboten (Lunchtimes etc.)
• Einblicke in Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Eventmanagement
• Chancen zum internen und externen Networking
Ihre Aufgaben
• Unterstützung im Modul CSR International, das sich mit Ausgestaltung förderlicher Rahmenbedingungen für das freiwillige Engagement von Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beschäftigt.
• Unterstützung bei der Erstellung einer Studie zum Thema: „Branchenspezifische CSR-Politik in Europa“
• Unterstützung bei der Organisation und Durchführung von Veranstaltungen im In- und Ausland (Workshops, Konferenzen, Seminare etc.)
• Konzeptionelle Unterstützung bei der Ausgestaltung von öffentlich-privaten Branchen-Dialogen
• Allgemeine Recherchetätigigkeiten
• Unterstützung beim Relaunch vom Informationsportal www.csr-weltweit.de
Unsere Anforderungen
• Studium der Wirtschafts- oder Sozialwissenschaften (oder eines vergleichbaren Studienganges)
• Fundierte Kenntnisse im Themengebiet Corporate Social Responsibility
• Erste praktische Erfahrung im Themengebiet wünschenswert
• Erfahrungen im Kommunikationsbereich sind von Vorteil
• Schnelle Auffassungsgabe und Analysefähigkeiten
• Selbständiges und strukturiertes Arbeiten
• Teamfähigkeit, Engagement und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
• Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse
Das Praktikum wird vergütet. Inhaltliche Fragen beantwortet Ihnen gerne Samuil Simeonov, Tel.: 05241 81 81 496, samuil.simeonov@bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Frau Petra Johannkemper
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256
33311 Gütersloh
Journalisms Internship - Berlin
Figure out what the design branch has new in store for the public. The team of Dessau Design is always seeking for new and exciting events, news, state of the art in Bauhaus design, and more other exciting subjects that will keep the attention of those interested in interior design. For students with the focus of journalism the perfect way to gain professional experiences related to study and to enjoy the unique and interesting universe of Bauhaus architecture and design.
Your core tasks:
• Preparing and publishing various press releases and newsletters
• Acquiring journalist, media and news organization contacts
• Monitoring online clippings and publication mentions
• Media research projects
Your profile:
• You are a student (or a recent graduate) in Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing Communications, Media studies or similar at Bachelor level or higher
• You speak German natively and your level of English is very good
• You have strong writing skills, are able to articulate clearly, but also use humour and a captivating written style
• You are familiar with MS Office software
• You are able to work on different projects simultaneously in a very dynamic environment
• You are creative and self-driven
• Previous working experience for a newspaper as a journalist or comparable is beneficial
What we can offer:
• A pleasant working environment within a young and dynamic team
• Experience in an innovative, rapidly growing company
• Wide range of experiences through project and teamwork development
• Flexible working hours
Duration of the internship: 3 months
Location: Berlin
Branch: Interior design
Possible start: As soon as possible
Please send your complete application documents (cover letter, CV) including your earliest start date in English by email to Simona Gitu: sgitu@dessaudesign.de
Please write "Application – Intern PR" in the subject line of your email.
Your core tasks:
• Preparing and publishing various press releases and newsletters
• Acquiring journalist, media and news organization contacts
• Monitoring online clippings and publication mentions
• Media research projects
Your profile:
• You are a student (or a recent graduate) in Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing Communications, Media studies or similar at Bachelor level or higher
• You speak German natively and your level of English is very good
• You have strong writing skills, are able to articulate clearly, but also use humour and a captivating written style
• You are familiar with MS Office software
• You are able to work on different projects simultaneously in a very dynamic environment
• You are creative and self-driven
• Previous working experience for a newspaper as a journalist or comparable is beneficial
What we can offer:
• A pleasant working environment within a young and dynamic team
• Experience in an innovative, rapidly growing company
• Wide range of experiences through project and teamwork development
• Flexible working hours
Duration of the internship: 3 months
Location: Berlin
Branch: Interior design
Possible start: As soon as possible
Please send your complete application documents (cover letter, CV) including your earliest start date in English by email to Simona Gitu: sgitu@dessaudesign.de
Please write "Application – Intern PR" in the subject line of your email.
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